Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design

Interior Architecture and Environmental Design

Izmir University of Economics Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, with its international recognition, provides a unique and qualified education that meets the expectations of an ambitious student. It has many foreign faculty members in its academic staff, works in cooperation with the world's leading universities and its graduates take an active role in international projects and applications. We are proud of the success stories of our graduates as individuals with high intellectual capacity, who can look at a problem in a multi-centered way and have developed self-critical skills.

Our department is differentiated by its education, human-centered design approach, emphasis on sustainability, focus on niche areas such as the design of mobile spaces, and future-oriented design studies. In this context, not only private spaces such as residences and public interiors such as hospitals, shopping centers, cultural buildings, but also mobile interiors such as yachts and caravans, interiors of the future, game and animation interiors are the subjects of studio studies.

Students learn, use and experience the tools of expressing an idea in a virtual environment and the practical tools of building in a physical environment, such as materials and details, in the studios that form the backbone of the four-year education. A strong conceptual approach that forms the basis for creative and game-changing design, a rich visual repertoire required for such an approach, and knowledge of the history of design are also among the students' acquisitions. In addition, ten elective courses give third and fourth year students the opportunity to develop themselves in one of three areas: Digital - Technical Specialization, Field Specialization and Socio - Cultural Specialization.

Finally, the main actor in the success of design education is undoubtedly the material, in other words the student. Therefore, every student who is ready for a challenging four-year study process that is flexible but not slack, who has the energy, desire and resistance to get up and fight when they fall down, graduates as interior designers who have something to say in professional practice and society. We believe in the potential of our students and graduates to change the world.

Assoc. Prof. Emre Ergül
Department Head

IAED Presentation: